Because we have three different sizes of impression tray, you may be wondering how you know what the right size is for you.

The standard size we send is #2 (large) for the upper teeth, and #4 (medium) for the lower teeth, but while this is the correct size for most people, some may need a different size for the upper, lower, or both.


Try the trays without any putty first.

-Your teeth should fit inside the trays, without your teeth touching the sides of the trays. There should be room on all sides of your teeth.

-Make sure that your back teeth do not extend beyond the end of the tray.

-Make sure that the front teeth still have some room and are not touching the front of the tray.


Impression trays are supposed to feel big.

After all, they need to fit all of your teeth, without the teeth touching the edges. Some discomfort is normal, but they should still be able to fit into your mouth. If you can close your mouth with the tray in, it’s too small.

If you can’t get them into your mouth, even while stretching your lips and cheeks with your hands (most people do have to do that for a correct fit), contact us to get a different size.