How do you know if the impression trays you received are the right size for your teeth?
The standard size we send with your SnapCorrect Impression Kit is #2 (large) for the upper teeth, and #4 (medium) for the lower teeth. This is the correct size for most people to get a good dental impression for their aligner treatment, but it is possible to need a different size for the upper, lower, or both.
Try the trays without any putty first. Your teeth should fit inside the trays, without touching the sides, your back teeth should not extend beyond the end of the tray, and your front teeth should not be too close to the front of the tray.
Some discomfort is normal, but the impression should still fit into your mouth. Most people need to stretch out their lips and cheeks with their hands to fit the tray in, so it is best to practice this without any putty in the tray first.
Impression trays are supposed to feel big in order to fit all of your teeth correctly. If you can close your mouth with the tray in, it’s too small. If your teeth touch any of the sides of the tray, it’s too small. If the back molars do not completely fit onto the tray with a bit of room to spare, they’re too small. Similarly, if the tray is too big, some of your teeth may touch the sides of the tray.
The impressions are what your Treatment Plan and your SnapCorrect aligners are made from, so it is very important to get the most precise impressions. If you aren’t sure whether the impression trays are too large or too small, or any other aspect of the impression process, call our customer service team with any questions. We’re happy to help!