If you have ever worn braces, you are probably imagining that moving the teeth will not be comfortable. However, most customers find SnapCorrect’s Invisible Aligners much more comfortable than traditional metal braces.


What is expected with the aligners?

The amount of discomfort a patient experiences when their teeth are being aligned truly depends. Some aligners may, during the course of treatment, be more comfortable than others, depending on which teeth are being moved.


What if I don’t feel any discomfort?

It is also perfectly normal not to feel any discomfort when wearing the aligners. Your teeth are still moving into place, even if you don’t feel it.


The first aligner set has no movement programmed into it, but wearing that one for at least a week anyway will help your teeth get used to wearing aligners, which usually reduces discomfort later on during treatment.

No matter the level of discomfort, it is usually far preferable than braces, and it will be worth it in the end when you have a great new smile to be proud of!